FM Aleksa Alimpic
Every wall is a door!
Location | Belgrade Serbia |
Languages | English (US), Српски језик, Bosanski, Hrvatski |
Rating | FIDE: 231325232575 |
Hourly rate | 1 hour= 25 USD, 10 hours= 200 USD |
Active |
Every wall is a door!
Location | Belgrade Serbia |
Languages | English (US), Српски језик, Bosanski, Hrvatski |
Rating | FIDE: 231325232575 |
Hourly rate | 1 hour= 25 USD, 10 hours= 200 USD |
Active |
"Chess is a struggle with yourself" (GM Gligoric). Truth! You have to UNDERSTAND! Not just learn the moves. WORK HARD! LEARN! Have FUN while improving. I can help you.
Location | Tuzla Bosnia-Herzegovina |
Languages | English (US), Bosanski, Hrvatski, Српски језик |
Rating | 23782288 |
Hourly rate | Prices are flexible. Discounts are available for lesson packages. Please feel free to contact me for more information. |
Active |
Today is your day to do better than you did yesterday!
Location | Pancevo Serbia |
Languages | English (US), Српски језик, Bosanski, Hrvatski |
Rating | FIDE: 2329247624802517 |
Hourly rate | 1 hour lesson $25. Package of 10 lessons $215 |
Active |
“When you see a good move, look for a better one.” Emanuel Lasker
Location | Bosnia-Herzegovina |
Languages | English (US), Bosanski, Hrvatski, Српски језик |
Rating | FIDE: 23202381230721992112 |
Hourly rate | 20-30$ - PM for custom rates / discounts for multiple sessions. Contact: |
Active |
Work, work and only work!
Location | Beograd Serbia |
Languages | Српски језик, русский язык, English (US), Hrvatski, Bosanski |
Rating | FIDE: 236525162524 |
Hourly rate | Lessons 15eur/h, playing games 10eur/h, the price is lower because I want to practice my English or German if you know. :) |
Active |
We will help you to help yourself... /Kendinize yardımcı olabilmeniz için size yardımcı olacağız...
Location | Istanbul Turkiye |
Languages | Türkçe, Српски језик, Bosanski, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 231626032541 |
Hourly rate | 30 USD per hour for online / 40-45 USD per hour for live lessons depends to distance |
Active |