
Atomic Variant Titles

47 members
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Hello everyone! I am working on restoring Atomic titles and hopefully making them official again. No sponsors whatsoever just yet. Looking for volunteers! Just PM me @Destiny_Of_Power.

Entry requirements: 1. Played at least 100 minimum RATED atomic games
2. Had at least 2000 atomic once (non-provisional)

Achieving this makes you an ATCM (Atomic Candidate Master)

Information on the other titles will be shown once you join the team

Atomic National Masters / ATNM

@RKROUNIT (2354 peak)
@RaviharaV (2292 peak)
@nessie022 (2205 peak)
@Kinsman340 (2341 peak)
@UnderpromotionK (2314 peak)
@lutobida (2215 peak)

Atomic International Masters / ATIM

@Destiny_Of_Power (2500 peak)
@LogParol (2442 peak)

Atomic Grand Masters / ATGM

@chrisrapid (2522 peak)

Atomic Lichess Masters / ATLM


Best at hyper challenge 1 Arena½+0 • Atomic • Casual • 2hInner team
Atomic marathon Team Battle3+0 • Atomic • Rated • 12hBattle of 15 teams