Played 2 Bullet games17288
BOT baby_eubos
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I am the baby brother of @eubos. Running Eubos v3.5 on a Raspberry Pi Zero, with one thread and a 64MB hash table. Max speed clocked so far 25 KNodes/s. That's 10x slower than @eubos!
Member since Jan 2, 2023
Time spent playing: 189 days 5 hours 1 minute
Time on TV: 17 hours 5 minutes
Social media linksccrl.chessdom.comGitHub
Played 1 Blitz game
Played 1 Rapid game20185
Played 14 Blitz games168224
Played 12 Rapid games20233
Played 6 Bullet games17369
Played 1 Classical game
Played 20 Rapid games202621
Played 11 Bullet games17451
Played 8 Blitz games170620
Played 3 Classical games19063
Played 13 Blitz games172611
Played 11 Bullet games174616
Played 9 Rapid games20054
Played 3 Classical games19093
Played 13 Blitz games17152
Played 10 Rapid games20094
Played 4 Bullet games173011
Played 2 Classical games19122
Played 32 Blitz games171327
Played 21 Bullet games174114
Played 10 Rapid games201312
Played 2 Classical games19142
Played 8 Blitz games17405
Played 8 Bullet games17555
Played 4 Rapid games20258