Blog Etiquette
Lichess Blogs are a powerful tool to communicate with others, promote your organization or events and express yourself. Some rules and guidelines are necessary to help bloggers know what is expected of them.
- Nothing potentially obscene or disturbing is allowed.
- Nothing potentially illegal.
- Nothing that could potentially cause harm to readers.
- Nothing that could potentially mislead or manipulate readers.
- No "clickbait." We define this as a title and/or title image that is misleading or unconnected to the text of the blog.
- Blog authors must be at least 18 years old, and anyone appearing in images must be at least 18 or have a guardian's consent to appear.
- No reprinting of copyrighted material that you do not own or have permission to post. This includes text, images, and games with annotations.
- There are no specifically prohibited subjects as long as they do not violate the above rules. Cookie recipes are welcome, but they are unlikely to be featured prominently by the blog discovery tools.
- A title image is not mandatory, but will be extremely helpful.
- Promoting or advertising is allowed, but be aware that pure advertising posts are unlikely to gather much attention. Instead, try to do quality work, even if it takes some time.
- Every time you publish a blog it makes a timeline notification on the homepage timeline of your followers. This is one of the most important ways that your blog is discovered by others. If you are publishing many blogs or low-effort blogs they may un-follow you.
- Tags must be applied accurately to blogs, reflecting what appears in the article. If your article isn't about chess variants, don't tag it as "chess variants."
Here are some tips about writing better blog posts on Lichess.
The rules for communication in other parts of Lichess.
Happy writing!