
Can you get FIDE rating online and not from on board tournemants?

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Technically, yes you can, by playing on FOA ( FIDE online arena ) the ratings and titles are "recognized" by FIDE, but FOA ratings are hidden from plain view on profiles who have them, and no one cares about arena titles. plus in order to get rating recognized by FIDE, you have to pay 50 euro yearly membership ( it might be more ) ,and to get titles there are separate fees.
its just a money farm for FIDE, IMO, would not recommend.
@openingsmatter621616 said in #4:
>Technically, yes you can, by playing on FOA ( FIDE online arena ) the ratings and titles are "recognized" by FIDE, but FOA ratings are hidden from plain view on profiles who have them, and no one cares about arena titles. plus in order to get rating recognized by FIDE, you have to pay 50 euro yearly membership ( it might be more ) ,and to get titles there are separate fees.
>its just a money farm for FIDE, IMO, would not recommend.

i just knew this and i checked the website. yup.... you are right, you basically need to pay money for that

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