Played 2 Rapid games
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Solved 236 tactical puzzles232716
Played 5 Rapid games19448
Solved 125 tactical puzzles23436
Played 2 Rapid games193617
Played 1 Blitz game1345138
Solved 202 tactical puzzles234958
Played 2 runs of Puzzle Storm
Played 2 Rapid games191917
Practiced 16 positions on The Fork
Practiced 10 positions on Deflection
Practiced 10 positions on Underpromotion
Practiced 10 positions on Attraction
Practiced 8 positions on Opposition
Practiced 4 positions on 7th-Rank Rook Pawn
Practiced 2 positions on Basic Rook Endgames
Practiced 10 positions on Underpromotion
Practiced 10 positions on Attraction
Practiced 8 positions on Opposition
Practiced 4 positions on 7th-Rank Rook Pawn
Practiced 2 positions on Basic Rook Endgames
Solved 160 tactical puzzles229173
Played 1 Rapid game19297
Practiced 23 positions on Checkmate Patterns II
Practiced 18 positions on Checkmate Patterns III
Practiced 18 positions on Checkmate Patterns I
Practiced 11 positions on Key Squares
Practiced 10 positions on Discovered Attacks
Practiced 10 positions on Overloaded Pieces
Practiced 8 positions on The Pin
Practiced 8 positions on The Skewer
Practiced 7 positions on X-Ray
Practiced 7 positions on Piece Checkmates II
Practiced 6 positions on Double Check
Practiced 6 positions on Greek Gift
Practiced 6 positions on Interference
Practiced 5 positions on Undermining
Practiced 5 positions on Counter Check
Practiced 5 positions on Clearance
Practiced 5 positions on Desperado
Practiced 5 positions on Zwischenzug
Practiced 4 positions on Zugzwang
Practiced 18 positions on Checkmate Patterns I
Practiced 11 positions on Key Squares
Practiced 10 positions on Discovered Attacks
Practiced 10 positions on Overloaded Pieces
Practiced 8 positions on The Pin
Practiced 8 positions on The Skewer
Practiced 7 positions on X-Ray
Practiced 7 positions on Piece Checkmates II
Practiced 6 positions on Double Check
Practiced 6 positions on Greek Gift
Practiced 6 positions on Interference
Practiced 5 positions on Undermining
Practiced 5 positions on Counter Check
Practiced 5 positions on Clearance
Practiced 5 positions on Desperado
Practiced 5 positions on Zwischenzug
Practiced 4 positions on Zugzwang
Solved 103 tactical puzzles221814
Played 1 Rapid game193610
Practiced 15 positions on Checkmate Patterns IV
Solved 134 tactical puzzles223256
Played 1 Rapid game192612
Started following 1 player