
nb20120523's Study

1 • nb20120523 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. nb20120523

CRUSH the Old Sicilian!

458 • MSHARK19 •
  1. - Intro -
  2. - Basic Ideas -
  3. Section 1: Black strikes back with 4... d5!
  4. Section 1.1: 10... Nb8 - Mate in 13!!
  1. MSHARK19

The DEADLY Closed Sicilian

186 • FM Zig_Zag_Zug_Zwang •
  1. Welcome!
  2. How to study this course
  3. Chapter 1 | 2. Nc6 3. Bb5 Nd4
  4. Interactive Lesson | The first moves
  1. FM Zig_Zag_Zug_Zwang

The Pickle Muffin Gambit

166 • The_Inverse_Tangent •
  1. What is the Pickle Muffin?
  2. Pickle Muffin Gambit Accepted: Vorr Gambit, Main line
  3. Pickle Muffin Gambit Accepted: Vorr Gambit, Xon attack
  4. Pickle Muffin Gambit Accepted: Vorr Gambit, The Knights Gamble
  1. Phil224
  2. The_Inverse_Tangent

WIN with the Ruy Lopez!

702 • Peng_Dehuai1898-1974 •
  1. Introduction
  2. How to Study this Study
  3. Section 1: Closed Mainlines
  4. 9...Na5 Chigorin with 11...Qc7
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974

WIN with the Ruy Lopez!

1 • Bacabee •
  1. Introduction
  2. How to Study this Study
  3. Section 1: Closed Mainlines
  4. 9...Na5 Chigorin with 11...Qc7
  1. Bacabee

Opening Strategies

5 • JacksonStephen •
  1. Opening 1
  2. Opening 2
  3. Opening 3
  4. Opening 4
  1. JacksonStephen
  2. rabbit0x
  3. Checkmate6
  4. MhmdWishah

Opening Traps

4 • lefthandsketch •
  1. Introduction
  2. Fishing pole trap part 1
  3. Fishing pole trap part 2
  4. Elephant trap
  1. lefthandsketch

Perfect Game + Opening Trap

3 • BigPig2023 •
  1. BigPig2023 (1316) - xXxGigaKoksPLxXx (1350)
  2. Different Variation
  3. Best Variation
  1. BigPig2023

The Inferno Gambit

2 • DaVinci2013 •
  1. Inferno Gambit (WORKS AT 2200-2500 LEVEL)
  2. V2 (Avoid Sicilian Defense) (Works at EVERY LEVEL)
  3. V3 (Avoid 3...Nc6)
  1. DaVinci2013

Schottisches Gambit

1 • Vale561 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Vale561

All The Traps You Need To Know!

554 • Divena013 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Legal Trap
  3. Elephant Trap
  4. Noah Ark Trap
  1. Divena013
  2. Thedhbh
  3. DhruvanshBhatt

Celadas I.

1 • L46UN35 •
  1. Legal.
  2. Elephant.
  3. Noah Ark.
  4. Alien Gambit I.
  1. L46UN35

Rajesh .V. my study Opening Traps

1 • CHESSRAJ12 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Fishing pole trap part 1
  3. Fishing pole trap part 2
  4. Englund trap

Racing Kings Openings II

4 • Guitar09 •
  1. King's Opening/Bishops Opening
  2. Kings Opening Knights Variation
  3. Bishops Opening Variation
  4. Practice I: King/Bishops Variation as White
  1. Hammer_Strike
  2. QueenEatingDragon
  3. la_pioggia
  4. Jaraxis

Racing Kings Openings I

5 • Guitar09 •
  1. The Basic Kings Opening
  2. The Bishop's Opening
  3. The Knights Opening
  4. "The King Dance"
  2. Natso
  3. RoyalManiac
  4. Flamin-Hot-Cheetos