
Secret Italian Game Poison

530 • LukicaBrk •
  1. Introduction
  2. What is Rosentreter Gambit?
  3. They Take with a Pawn
  4. They Take with a Knight
  1. LukicaBrk

Endgame mates you MUST KNOW!

1 • JayMitros •
  1. Welcome!
  2. Opposition
  3. Understanding opposition
  4. Distance opposition
  1. JayMitros

My White Repertoire

3 • LukicaBrk •
  1. Introduction
  2. Rosentreter Gambit
  3. Fried-Liver
  4. Petrov's Defense: Millennium Attack
  1. LukicaBrk

Secret Italian Game Poison

3 • arnavgoyal14 •
  1. Introduction
  2. What is Rosentreter Gambit?
  3. They Take with a Pawn
  4. They Take with a Knight
  1. arnavgoyal14

Defensa Holandesa

78 • JeremyDuran •
  1. Introducción
  2. Comienza
  3. Recomendada para Jugadores
  4. Ideas Principales
  1. JeremyDuran

Chekhover - Black - Interactive

29 • Rjw69 •
  1. Chekhover - Introduction
  2. Chekhover - Mainline
  3. ************Links-Page**************
  1. Rjw69

¿Que son los planes?

33 • JeremyDuran •
  1. Introducción
  2. ¿Que es plan en ajedrez?
  3. Ejemplo 1: Planificación en la apertura
  4. Ejemplo 2: Planificación en la apertura
  1. JeremyDuran

En Passant

1 • Morgan69 •
  1. Lý thuyết 1
  2. Lý thuyết 2
  3. Ví dụ 1
  1. Morgan69

Traps and Miniatures Part 1 - Quick Knockouts

11 • grandmonsterwi77 •
  1. Intro
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Chapter 2
  4. Chapter 3
  1. grandmonsterwi77
  2. racepalaran0115
  3. lemuelmontero8602

Traps and Miniatures Part 2- Checkmates

2 • grandmonsterwi77 •
  1. Chapter 1
  2. Chapter 2
  3. Chapter 3
  4. Chapter 4
  1. grandmonsterwi77
  2. racepalaran0115

The noobs

2 • TinyYellowGuava •
  1. For newbs
  2. Chapter 3
  1. TinyYellowGuava
  2. noob1
  3. Fatcatsat

Ultimate Guide - Danish Gambit

15 • lexamuray2022 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Opening Ideas
  3. Goodbye my dear
  4. Poisoned Pawn
  1. lexamuray2022

Scandinavian defense

3 • QuantumSushi •
  1. OPENING | for ◻︎ |
  2. Theory tree
  3. Plans
  4. ▷ 1.a) Main line : Mieses-Kotrč variation
  1. QuantumSushi

Ultimate Guide - Schlechter French

16 • Green_Frog96 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Trap #1
  3. Best case scenarion of "Trap #1" for black
  4. Qb6 in Closed Tarrasch with f6
  1. Green_Frog96

Dunk On Trappers

14 • Chiksan •
  1. Introduction - How to Play Against Traps
  2. Wayward queen attack
  3. Wayward queen practice
  4. Wayward queen alternative - trap queen
  1. Chiksan

Special Move - En passant

2 • chessforall123 •
  1. Position 1
  2. Position 2
  3. Position 3
  4. Position 4
  1. chessforall123