Played 8 Rapid games199134
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Julio cesar Aguirre
Miramar buenos Aires Argentina
Member since Mar 27, 2019
Time spent playing: 30 days 19 hours 25 minutes
TeamsAJEDREZ SERRANIAS DEL TANDILARGENTINA 2021Asociación Ajedrez Sierras de TandilAsociación de ajedrez sierras de Tandil Libres y seniorBlue Moon DiamondClases de ajedrez en vivo del IMDClub de ajedrez gambito de DamaClub de ajedrez ULP - San LuisCLUB PHILIDOR DE MORONCLUB SANTAMARINA DE TANDILDouble Dragon IIGMSPIDERIBARRAINTENTAR MASTERJuan Manuel FangioJuan Román RiquelmeLa Dama PerdidaLICHESS.ORG EN ESPAÑOLLos PicapiedraMazinger ZTandilTeam Club de Ajedrez Rio GrandeThe CureZárate Avanza Chess Team
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #24 (top 42%) with 8 games in Instit Municipal Deportes Ush Arena
Played 3 Rapid games202521
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #1 (top 25%) with 3 games in Parque Bristol Miramar Arena
Joined 1 team
Started following 1 player
Joined 1 team
Played 3 Blitz games19472
Created 1 new study
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #42 (top 70%) with 3 games in Instit Municipal Deportes Ush Arena
Played 8 Blitz games194519
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #38 (top 55%) with 8 games in Instit Municipal Deportes Ush Arena
Played 8 Rapid games20044
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #1 (top 7%) with 7 games in Club ajedrez Miramar Arena
Played 8 Rapid games200041
Competed in 2 tournaments
Ranked #17 (top 43%) with 3 games in Instit Municipal Deportes Ush Arena
Ranked #5 (top 45%) with 4 games in Club ajedrez Miramar Arena