KingHarii's Team
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2nd IM Haridas Pascua Online Tournament || Birthday Edition
July 17, 2020 at 5pm PH time
FREE REGISTRATION! || Arena tournament
1+1 time control
2 hrs duration
Champion: 1000
2nd place: 400
3rd place: 200
4th place: 100
5th place: 100
Top Lady: 100
Top Non-Master: 100
Plus raffle draws
To register, just follow the steps:
- Subscribe to my youtube channel
- Comment your full name, username and screenshot of subscription
Example: Haridas Pascua/KingHarii and screenshot - Join the lichess team.
You will be accepted to the team once you've finished all the steps.
Prizes will given via GCash ONLY
Prizes will given 2-3 days after the event