
Lightning's Flash Team

299 members
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Welcome to LFT!

This team is mostly focused on 60+30 events with one round per week, in each round the paired players schedule their game, then play at the set time. Our events are commonly multi-month-long commitments so please read the rules of events you join. Most events have a forum to join and see pairings.

We also feature other events with different time controls such as 10+2, 25+10, 30+20, 3+2, etc.

At the moment all events are made by me, @Dude128.

Team names cannot be changed so we have a name from the original leader of the team who quit at # 11 members.

Ongoing events

LFT Knockouts

@Chesspawnrookking vs @Coolchesscat1 1-0

@Natakial2 vs @Gabrielcumming 0.5-1.5

@Dude128 vs @Amanlikekennyken 2-0

@Chessgrinder46869332 vs @Cumulus200 0-3 Forfeit win for cumulus, they qualify for the LFT Closed!


CICL 4 Round 8 Team Battle60+30 • Classical • Rated • 12hBattle of 48 teams
CTCL 6 Round 7 Team Battle60+30 • Classical • Rated • 12hBattle of 47 teams
CICL 4 Round 7 Team Battle60+30 • Classical • Rated • 12hBattle of 45 teams
CICL 4 Round 6 Team Battle60+30 • Classical • Rated • 12hBattle of 44 teams
CICL 4 Round 5 Team Battle60+30 • Classical • Rated • 12hBattle of 42 teams


lft kosDude128 •

@Cumulus200 wins 3-0 via a forfeit, it's a shame to see a player forfeit but they failed to show up three different times. This is a massive waste of time for the opponent. That means he'll face the w…

lft kosDude128 • I take a 2-0 lead.

lft kosnatakial2 • Game 2 is a draw! @GabrielCumming vs natakial2 0.5-0.5 Match score is now 1.5-0.5 in favor of GabrielCumming

lft kosDude128 • Game one goes my way! Match scores so far @Chesspawnrookking vs @coolchesscat1 0-0 Natakial2 vs Gabrielcumming 0-1 Dude128 vs Amanlikekennyken @chessgrinder46869332 vs …

lft kosnatakial2 •

Game 1 goes to @GabrielCumming

lft kosGabrielCumming • @natakial2 vs @GabrielCumming 0-1

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