Played 25 Bullet games78816
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I play the move that leaves you with the fewest legal moves on your next turn. If several such moves, I pick one at random. Any variant and time control! Casual or Rated. Inspired by Tom7 video (see YouTube link). Maintained by @gbfgbfgbf. See also @AlphaBotical
Member since Mar 17, 2024
Time spent playing: 13 days 20 hours 21 minutes
Played 3 Chess960 games6462
Played 2 Classical games7424
Played 2 Rapid games6772
Played 40 Classical games74619
Played 38 King of the Hill games99416
Played 37 Rapid games67539
Played 29 Three-check games9833
Played 6 Blitz games5623
Played 4 Racing Kings games
Played 4 Crazyhouse games8754
Played 2 Chess960 games6488
Played 1 Bullet game
Gained 1 new follower
Played 30 Rapid games63670
Played 13 Atomic games72712
Played 7 Bullet games
Played 5 Blitz games
Played 5 Crazyhouse games
Played 5 Classical games7273
Played 2 Horde games
Played 2 King of the Hill games
Played 1 Antichess game
Played 1 Racing Kings game
Played 1 Three-check game9869
Played 18 Blitz games56561
Played 14 Atomic games7392
Played 11 Crazyhouse games8715
Played 7 Bullet games8041
Played 7 Rapid games
Played 4 Classical games7305
Played 3 Antichess games10992
Played 3 Racing Kings games6576
Played 3 Three-check games
Played 2 Chess960 games6568
Played 2 Horde games
Gained 1 new follower
Played 11 Bullet games80522
Played 7 Rapid games5668
Played 6 Blitz games5043
Played 5 Atomic games7419
Played 3 Classical games7352
Played 2 Crazyhouse games8763
Played 1 Chess960 game6644
Played 34 Bullet games82723
Played 16 Atomic games7505
Played 10 Blitz games5074
Played 9 Rapid games5741
Played 8 Horde games10165
Played 4 Crazyhouse games8736
Played 3 King of the Hill games10104
Played 2 Classical games7377
Played 25 Rapid games5752
Played 22 Antichess games11014
Played 19 Bullet games80435
Played 10 Blitz games5033
Played 7 Classical games7305
Played 3 King of the Hill games
Played 3 Three-check games9773
Played 1 Crazyhouse game87925