NM phanpy Lichess coach picture

NM Igor Mourão

If you are a beginner and/or young chess player and want to understand the game throughout a dynamic and didactic way, send me a message.

LocationTocantins Brazil
LanguagesEnglish (US), Español, Português (BR)
RatingFIDE: 217826022444
Hourly rateU$15
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I'm a 31 years old brazilian National Master and Master degree in Science.
Eu tenho 31 anos e sou Mestre Nacional do Brasil. Possuo Mestrado em Ciências.

Playing experience

National Champion U16 (2007), 2nd Scholar PanAmerican (2007). Finalist of Brazilian Championship (2019).

Teaching experience

Students best achievements: Brazilian Underage National Tournament, Brazilian Scholar National Tournament, Asian Underage Tournament, Singapore National Tournament, Malaysian Underage National Tournament

Other experiences

I am chess coach at Centro Educacional Xeque Mate (GM Andre Diamant) and chess commentator for Xeque Mate and a club at Minas Gerais.
Eu sou treinador no Centro Educacional Xeque Mate do GM Andre Diamant e comentarista na Xeque Mate e em um clube de Minas Gerais.

Best skills

I've been teaching for over 10 years - either chess or science. I have more experience in beginners and young students.
Eu tenho experiência em ensino há mais de 10 anos - em xadrez e ciências. Minha maior experiência, no xadrez, é com iniciantes ou com jogadores jovens.

Teaching methodology

My methodology is based on the understanding and analysis of the theory of ending games and opening prep. After this part we will study the patterns of middlegame. I am constantly in contact with my students through internet. All my lessons are in pgn file, so the student receive all classes' material.
Minha metodologia é baseada, primeiramente, no entendimento e análise de finais teóricos e repertório de abertura. Após essa fase, n´ós estudaremos os padrões do meio-jogo. Eu estou constantemente em contato com meus alunos através da internet. Todas as aulas serão enviadas para os alunos através de arquivo pgn.