GM Luka Draskovic
Go the right way to reach your goals!
Location | Montenegro |
Languages | English (US), Српски језик |
Rating | FIDE: 249129142694 |
Hourly rate | 40euros/60min--- Available for training games |
Active |
Go the right way to reach your goals!
Location | Montenegro |
Languages | English (US), Српски језик |
Rating | FIDE: 249129142694 |
Hourly rate | 40euros/60min--- Available for training games |
Active |
"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck"
Location | Budapest Hungary |
Languages | English (US), Magyar, Српски језик |
Rating | FIDE: 244728912472 |
Hourly rate | 30€ |
Active |
You will never know what you are capable of until you take that first step and just go for it!
Location | Kragujevac Serbia |
Languages | Српски језик, English (US) |
Rating | FIDE: 242628632750 |
Hourly rate | Lessons - 35€/h; Training games - 25€/h |
Active |
“Practice even what seems impossible. The left hand is useless at almost everything, for lack of practice. But it guides the reins better than the right. From practice.”
Location | Belgrade Serbia |
Languages | English (US), Српски језик, Bosanski, Hrvatski |
Rating | FIDE: 2489 |
Hourly rate | 1 hour= 95 USD, 10 hours= 800 USD |
Active |
Professional Coaching program for (0-2000) rating level
Location | Belgrade, Serbia Serbia |
Languages | English (US), Српски језик |
Rating | FIDE: 216928222580 |
Hourly rate | 1 Lesson = 30€ ,10 Lessons = 250 €, lessons include additional support(Whats App communication)+homeworks |
Active |
OCCASION ! lessons with IM peak rating 2481 FIDE at attractive prices , full time coach ! Holiday Sale valid till 30th of Aug, just ask !
Location | Grudziadz, Poland Austria |
Languages | Deutsch, Polski, English (US), русский язык, Српски језик |
Rating | FIDE: 24362811 |
Hourly rate | 1h-25$,5h-100$10h-150$ ,20h-250$, 6mth. sub.- 500$ (20h class+support Q&A anytime -exception vacation )1year or 2x6mth sub- 1000$(50h -II-) |
Active |
Work and Consistency... That is a way of progress!!!
Location | Tavankut Serbia |
Languages | English (US), Српски језик |
Rating | 2463 |
Hourly rate | Lecture - 30 EURO /h ( 200 Euro; monthly package!!! - 4 meetings, one per week - 2hours, 2 and 30 each) Training games - 15 EURO!!! |
Active |
“Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there”
Location | Serbia |
Languages | English (US), Српски језик |
Rating | FIDE: 244027702604 |
Hourly rate | 1hour= 50$ |
Active |