Solved 1 tactical puzzle21289
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Rick Groszkiewicz
I mostly play chess online. I play correspondence games of chess variants at and This includes exotic variants like Cheshire Cat, Ambiguous, Losers, Benedict and Chicken chess. I also like more standard variants like Extinction, Atomic, and Suicide chess.
United States
Member since Oct 17, 2015
Time spent playing: 8 days 20 hours 23 minutes
Time on TV: 1 hour 28 minutes
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Solved 1 tactical puzzle21195
Solved 1 tactical puzzle211413
Supported for 96 months as a Patron
Solved 1 tactical puzzle21279
Solved 1 tactical puzzle21182
Solved 1 tactical puzzle211622
Played 1 Rapid game20003
Competed in 1 tournament
Ranked #1075 (top 72%) with 1 game in Daily Rapid Arena
Solved 1 tactical puzzle213813