Bienvenidos. Mi nombre es Juan Perdomo. Maestro Nacional de Ajedrez (Venezuela). Tengo 34 años de edad, Licenciado en Educación, Coach mención diplomado de Ajedrez y Educación, con mas de 25 años de experiencia en el mundo del ajedrez. Residenciado en Turmero, estado Aragua.
Welcome. My name is Juan Perdomo. National Chess Teacher (Venezuela). I am 34 years old, Bachelor of Education, Coach mention of Chess and Education, with more than 25 years of experience in the world of chess. Resident in Turmero, Aragua state.
About me
Playing experience
Campeón Nacional Sub 12 Año 2001 y Sub 14 Año 2003. Sub Campeon Nacional Sub 16; 2003 y 2005. Sub Campeon Nacional Sub 20, 2005. Preselección Nacional de Mayores 2004 y 2011. Multimedallista en Juegos Universitarios 2007-2012 (JUVINES). Campeón innumerable de eventos rápidos y blitz desde 2006 hasta el presente.
National Champion Sub 12 Year 2001 and Sub 14 Year 2003. Sub National Champion Sub 16; 2003 and 2005. Sub National Champion Sub 20, 2005. National Preselection of Seniors 2004 and 2011. Multimedallist at University Games 2007-2012 (JUVINES). Winner of countless tournaments fast and blitz from 2006 to this day.
National Champion Sub 12 Year 2001 and Sub 14 Year 2003. Sub National Champion Sub 16; 2003 and 2005. Sub National Champion Sub 20, 2005. National Preselection of Seniors 2004 and 2011. Multimedallist at University Games 2007-2012 (JUVINES). Winner of countless tournaments fast and blitz from 2006 to this day.
Teaching experience
Desde el año 2014 inicié formalmente mi camino como entrenador, bajo mi enseñanza estuvieron: CM Samid Escalona Actual Campeón Nacional Sub 16 (Venezuela), Ali Jaramillo Actual Campeón Nacional Sub 12 (Venezuela), WFM Jessica Herrera Preselección Olímpica 2018 (Venezuela), CM Hector Chirinos SubCampeón Centroamericano Sub 08, 2016. Entrenador y preparador de La Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL). Docente formador en el diplomado de Ajedrez y Educación 2016.
Since 2014 I formally started my path as a coach, under my teaching were: CM Samid Escalona Current National Champion Sub 16 (Venezuela), Ali Jaramillo Current National Champion Sub 12 (Venezuela), WFM Jessica Herrera Olympic Preselection 2018 (Venezuela), CM Hector Chirinos Sub Central American Sub 08, 2016. Trainer and preparer of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL). Teacher trainer in the 2016 Chess and Education Diploma.
Since 2014 I formally started my path as a coach, under my teaching were: CM Samid Escalona Current National Champion Sub 16 (Venezuela), Ali Jaramillo Current National Champion Sub 12 (Venezuela), WFM Jessica Herrera Olympic Preselection 2018 (Venezuela), CM Hector Chirinos Sub Central American Sub 08, 2016. Trainer and preparer of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL). Teacher trainer in the 2016 Chess and Education Diploma.
Other experiences
He tenido la oportunidad de aprender de diversos jugadores y entrenadores a lo largo de mi periplo en los tableros, como: IM Richard Leyva entrenador durante 5 años, IM Carlos Gallegos e IM Antonio Palacios.
I have had the opportunity to learn from various players and coaches throughout my journey on the boards, such as: IM Richard Leyva coach for 5 years, IM Carlos Gallegos and IM Antonio Palacios.
I have had the opportunity to learn from various players and coaches throughout my journey on the boards, such as: IM Richard Leyva coach for 5 years, IM Carlos Gallegos and IM Antonio Palacios.
Best skills
Finales. Rapidez y eficiencia en los conceptos relacionados a la Táctica y Estrategia del Medio Juego. Metódica preparación de repertorio.
Endings, Speed and efficiency in the concepts related to Tactic and Strategy of the Game. Methodical preparation of repertoire.
Endings, Speed and efficiency in the concepts related to Tactic and Strategy of the Game. Methodical preparation of repertoire.
Teaching methodology
Actualmente la mayoría de ajedrecistas se saturan de conocimientos, invierten tiempo y dinero en contenidos mas por la cantidad que por la calidad, en muchos de los casos siendo repetitivos. Te ofrezco desde la primera sesión (Fase Diagnostico), Comprensión del ajedrez desde la apertura hasta el final. Construcción del pensamiento en las fases de la partida. Método eficaz para subir puntos de elo en menos de tres meses. Seguimiento de partidas jugadas en torneos y partidas de practicas evaluadas. Cada sesión incluye material al correo y packs de actividades a seguir. Dirigido especialmente a jugadores entre 1200 y 1900 de elo. Trabajando constantemente y los resultados serán los esperados. Te regalo esta frase del IV Campeon del Mundo Alexander Alekhine "Capablanca nació genio, yo me hice genio."
Currently most chess players are saturated with knowledge, investing time and money in content more for quantity than quality, in many cases being repetitive. I offer you from the first session (Diagnostic Phase), Understanding chess from the opening to the end. Construction of thought in the phases of the game. Effective method to raise elo points in less than three months. Follow-up of games played in tournaments and games of evaluated practices. Each session includes material send to your mail including packs of activities to follow. Dedicated to players between 1200 and 1900 elo. Working constantly the results will be as expected. I give you this phrase from IV World Champion Alexander Alekhine "Capablanca was born a genius, I became a genius."
Currently most chess players are saturated with knowledge, investing time and money in content more for quantity than quality, in many cases being repetitive. I offer you from the first session (Diagnostic Phase), Understanding chess from the opening to the end. Construction of thought in the phases of the game. Effective method to raise elo points in less than three months. Follow-up of games played in tournaments and games of evaluated practices. Each session includes material send to your mail including packs of activities to follow. Dedicated to players between 1200 and 1900 elo. Working constantly the results will be as expected. I give you this phrase from IV World Champion Alexander Alekhine "Capablanca was born a genius, I became a genius."