Played 5 Blitz games19419
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Taught myself how to play chess at 31 years old. Enjoy flyfishing, baseball, and chess. I got into chess when I seen the famous Lasker-Thomas game from 1912. It made a big impression on me and I've been hooked ever since. Favourite Games: Kholmov - Bronstein 1963 Nezhmetdinov - Chernikov 1962 Karpov - Korchnoi 1974 Candidates Gm2 Korchnoi - Kasparov 1982
Member since Sep 15, 2015
Time spent playing: 111 days 16 hours 13 minutes
Time on TV: 1 day 1 hour 53 minutes
Supported for 92 months as a Patron
Played 3 Bullet games
Played 2 Blitz games19324
Played 6 Bullet games17901
Supported for 91 months as a Patron
Played 6 Blitz games19289
Gained 1 new follower
Played 1 Blitz game19378
Played 2 Blitz games192913