
Very bad situation

Two girls like me.
I like both girls.
I cannot date both girls.
How do I decide (and how do I tell the one who I don't choose)
@Sw0p said in #1:
> Two girls like me.
> I like both girls.
> I cannot date both girls.
> How do I decide (and how do I tell the one who I don't choose)

This is how I'd decide
say you are sick and see which girl helps more.

You see, some girls will fuss, say "oh, stay in bed, oh dont exert yourself"

Others will not, but instead come around with a bottle of medicine and something comforting.

Which do you prefer?
@Sw0p said in #1:
> Two girls like me.
> I like both girls.
> I cannot date both girls.
> How do I decide (and how do I tell the one who I don't choose)

What a bad situation! Almost as bad as mine, that I don't have any girls.
@weplaychess90 said in #4:
> What a bad situation! Almost as bad as mine, that I don't have any girls.
Relatable AF
@Sw0p said in #1:
> Two girls like me.

Are you sure? find a way to check how attached they are to you and whether it's love or friendship

> I like both girls.

in this case, it means you don't like any of them, otherwise you will have already decided who your heart goes to

> I cannot date both girls.

don't do it, it will have terrible consequences if these girls find out that they have both been on a date with you

simply, get out of this bad romance and find a girl you really love
> How do I decide (and how do I tell the one who I don't choose)