Played 24 Blitz games
BOT WorstFish
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Uses Stockfish 14 to play the worst moves possible. Blitz and Rapid, Casual Only. (No rated games, no more than 15s increment). The challenge is trying to lose to me. :) Evaluates for 0.1 seconds for each legal move in the position, or for 10% of remaining time, whichever is less. Bot by @VisibleReality. Inspired by Tom7's "Elo World":
Member since Jun 28, 2021
Time spent playing: 257 days 12 hours 3 minutes
Time on TV: 3 hours 57 minutes
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Played 19 Rapid games
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Played 143 Rapid games
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Played 170 Rapid games
Played 121 Blitz games
Played 155 Rapid games
Played 128 Blitz games
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Played 255 Rapid games
Played 166 Blitz games
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Played 209 Rapid games
Played 184 Blitz games
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