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Nikita Petrov
Open letter signed by 44 Russian chess players: Facebook: E-mail:
FIDE rating: 2572
Budva MontenegroMember since May 15, 2015
Time spent playing: 54 days 17 hours 35 minutes
Time on TV: 17 days 17 hours 33 minutes
TeamsМеждународный Гроссмейстер Михаил ПанаринКлуб им. В.Л.КорчногоBC4 -CHESS SCHOOLCaissa's SonsChess Duo Fan ClubCLUB PHILIDOR DE MORONCrazyhouse Summer League (ZHSL)FIDEKuban23Levitov ChessLevitov Chess EliteLichess ChampionshipLichess StarsMoscow Karpov School!Novorossyisk!Феникс турнирныйRochade Europa - SchachzeitungRussian Chess PlayersShima <3Swiss Team BattleTequila clubКОО "Федерация шахмат Краснодарского края"Whining and occasionally some blitz. Lichess editionКлассик
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