Played 2 Classical games24301
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Kagan Uz
All titled players and 2300+ lichess classical rated players are more than welcome to challenge me to 30 + 0 classical. I will accept if I am available.
USCF rating: 2242
GA United StatesMember since Feb 4, 2019
Time spent playing: 77 days 12 hours 16 minutes
Time on TV: 12 days 3 hours 54 minutes
Social media linksChess.comChessTempo
Gained 1 new follower
Played 4 Blitz games
Played 3 Classical games24298
Started following 1 player
Played 1 Classical game24167
Created 1 new study
Solved 1 tactical puzzle26072
Played 1 Classical game241211
Played 4 Classical games24235